Thursday, July 29, 2010

My Tomato

I left that beautiful tomato on the vine to ripen while I was gone for 4 days to Utah. When I came back the side had been munched on by probably a slug! I was livid. But we live in slug country. I guess I should have put slug bait around it. They usually leave the tomatoes untouched. Maybe it was even the starlings that eat my cheeries. So I cut off the side and ate the rest.

Now, I noticed there are aphids eating away at my Flemenco Cha Cha plant in a container on my front step.

I looked on-line for a natural spray. Here it is:

Natural Spray to Get Rid of Aphids.

1 and 1/2 c. water

1 c. vegetable oil

2 tsp. dish soap

Spray every couple of days until they are not visible.

1 comment:

beverly said...

I use 1 Tbsp. of garlic powder and 1 tsp. dish soap Fill blender with water and blend together. Spray onto plants to get rid of Aphids. It works too.