Every Sunday night Owen and Ady, Eric's two youngest stay overnight. Then on Monday I have them all day until 6PM. Since my background in college was in Elementary Ed I decided to run the day with a lot of structure (like a preschool). During coloring time I asked Ady to let me take a picture of this coloring she did. She took a marker and outlined the whole turtle. Notice she colors left-handed. She is only three but she loves coloring as evidenced by her writing on the wall at home. She colors in the lines better than Owen. When I pointed out that he needed to stay in the lines when coloring, he improved his coloring.
This page says, "But that BOFA on the SOFA... Well, I wish he wasn't there. Then where the pen is pointing it is interactive for Owen. I found this at Goodwill for $3.95 - great bargain. It is one of his favorites. He loves video games, but I don't allow him to play any on Mondays. I think he's discovering that there is another whole world out there without video games!
He has just touched one of the buttons and he's pleased that it is telling him that he pushed the right button and what to do next.
I made clay dough, the kind you heat up and I love it and the kids love it too. I try to give them healthy snacks during the day, such as oranges, apples, pears, cheese, pudding and they love, love, love yogurt.
I checked out instructional videos from the library and also children's books. They love to hear different stories. They loved the story of "The Three Billy Goats Gruff." I don't think they have ever heard it.
We have gardening time so they can dig in the dirt and I can weed. They absolutely love to be outside. Our outside activities are no less than 1-2 hrs. if the weather cooperates.
They love the musical CD's that I checked out from the library. Their two favorites are "Where oh where is my underwear." I know it sounds freaky weird, but it's a cute upbeat song. The other favorite is "Two little blackbirds named Jack and Jill." They ask me to re-play and re-play them both over and over. I know kids learn by repetition.
We practice our skills of washing hands after eating and after going potty, and not picking our noses. The other day Ady out of the blue said. We don't pick out noses! It was hilarious. So when Owen picks his nose I just grab a tissue and say, "looks like you need a kleenex." They are reminded to say thank you and please when they receive or want something. They go to a daycare/preschool the other 4 days of the week so this is just re-enforcing what they are already learning.
I have a little small bear that is not furry, but just material that Owen calls "his beary beary." Ady found a furry bear I had and she calls it her "beary beary. They like to sleep with the bears when they go to bed. Owen is obsessive about keeping his with him all day, like an imaginary friend. We had a picnic lunch on the deck with table cloth. When Owen inquired if I had seen his beary beary we looked all over and couldn't find him anywhere. The last time I remember him being with Owen was during our lunch. So I looked under the crumpled tablecloth and there he was hiding very slyly or shyly, I don't know which.
We also have dancing and marching time with percussion instruments. Children are so responsive when you give them your full attention. I have decided that Monday is the day I dedicate to them totally and they are loving it.
I have flash cards I bought at the dollar store, learning shapes, alphabet letters and bigger and smaller relationships. Owen already knows all his shapes, and can identify and spell the letters in each small word card. He will do well in kindergarten.
I love being a kid! It's fun!
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