Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Insomnia (lack of ability to sleep no matter how tired)

Chemo 4-5:30 forgot I was supposed to check in 45 min early to do blood work and wait for results. So getting off at 5:30 made me late to pick up Frank. Only about 15 min.

They take blood pressure, oxygen levels, pulse rate and temperature.

First is an infusion of Steroid, then anti-nausea and then chemo is a 3-5 second push with the syringe through my port. I brought a friend with me who asked if she could come the first time. She was all about asking questions which the nurse so graciously answered. The time flew by having someone with which to talk.

The oncology nurse asked if I had anti-nausea prescription bottles at home. She instructed me to have a prescription called in tomorrow. She said the anti-nausea was given in the chemo so I should be alright. Nausea presents itself in 25 % of the patients.

Had dinner, watched a movie, went to bed and said prayers with Frank.

Things that transpired after Frank went to "lullaby land:"

  • Put tomato plants in the house that are spending daytime in the sun and night time in garage.
  • While in garage clean up junk in garage for pickup tomorrow
  • Find broken glass from a picture frame, deposit in trash can
  • Find empty boxes and place in recycle bin
  • Locate my family scrapbook and look through all the pictures. I'm so glad I did that scrapbook. It brought back so many terrific memories of events as the kids were growing up.
  • Tally up food storage and note what items are most needed. I'm ordering powdered butter in a #10 can. It is equivilant to 6 lbs. of butter. You just reconstitute with water and a little vegetable oil. Robbin Foules is our canning specialist and she is always finding us bargains on-line.
  • Realize that it is 12:15 am AND that I'm not the least bit tired!
  • Realize that the steroids they gave me at 5 are sure working. Now I remember why I always requested chemo early in the day.
  • Take 2 benedryl capsules, eat two cheese sticks, make hot chocolate, piece of whole wheat toast with honey; eat and drink it all!
  • Get on computer. Change my background to purple irises. Change and inhance colors on different pictures in Photo Shop Elements.

NOT THE LEAST BIT TIRED! THIS IS GETTING ANNOYING. I'm going to have to borrow those Chad Daybell books from Gloria. Can't remember the name.

I remember in 1999 I read all the Work & the Glory books because I had insomnia.

We bought a bed on craigs list. I'm so excited that we will have an official guest bedroom again. We can pick it up this weekend. So maybe when I can't sleep I'll paint a random room and decorate my guest bedroom and dance in the shadows of the night til' night turns to light.

  • Publishing Post, proofreading finding mistakes, going back in and correcting and then doing it all over again three times.
  • I like being a night owl; I just don't like the morning time when I want to sleep.

D&C 19:20 I wonder if I have enough.

D&C 19:21 I wonder if there are any left for me.

D&C 19: 30 I wonder if asking is asking too much of Him.

D&C 19:32 I wonder; is Cancer a blessing? Do I thank him for that blessing in my life?

My prayers are being answered (or the benedryl is finally kicking in)

Time: 2 AM

Night awl.


Marianne Thelin said...

I hate when you can't sleep! Hang in there! Marianne

Lorraine Butler said...

I like how you weren't too grumpy about not being able to sleep, and you got lots done besides. Wow! You are as productive as ever! Hopefully you will end up getting the rest you need in the long run. I am praying for you, Jules. I don't know if cancer is a blessing, but the things you are learning through all the experiences through your life are blessings. Thanks so much for sharing.

Tiffany said...

My goodness you are a busy bee when you cant sleep, I just sit and watch TV. Impressive!

Once again, Cancer is awful and so is all the gunk you have to got through. You are so strong. You are in my prayers.