Monday, March 29, 2010

Adyson Marchant

This was Christmas 2009. Ady is 3 1/2 and Owen is 4 1/2 yrs. old. They love each other dearly. They will be best friends always. Good luck any boys trying to date her when she is older. With Eric marrying Kristy May 1st Ady will have 6 brothers, one of them her age. Trae just turned 5 the end of Dec. and Ryker just turned 4 the end of March.
Ady Ady charming Ady!

She my youngest grand daughter and she loves to play dress up! And she has no sisters with which to play dress up. I think her brothers will oblige her though! I remember we had Eric in a dress and pig tails when he was 3 'cause he had such long hair.

1 comment:

Tiffany said...

Eric is getting married May 1st? How exciting. I want to see pictures of Kristy. and how nice to get two more grandkids. Congrats.