Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Trunk or Treat with Grandkids!
My New Scooter
As you can see the cast is almost up to my knee. I've pretty much gotten used to sleeping with it. The first few days my foot had panic attacks because it couldn't get out of the cast. The hard part is no baths or showers except sponge baths. I only have two more weeks to go until this comes off. I'm gaining a lot of upper body strength from lifting myself up both sets of stairs. I only use the crutches upstairs now. When we go anywhere I use the scooter.
Last Friday we went to the music store in Burlington, WalMart, and the dollar store for cards. By the time I arrived home I was spent! I didn't realize what a big store WalMart was until I had to do to on a scooter! Relief Society sisters are just bringing in one meal a week now. It has been nice. I did manage to fix a chicken, stuffing caserole. I just can't get it out of the fridge by myself so I go to the fridge with my dish and ladle out what I need right at the fridge without having to remove the caserole.